Evaluation of submitted articles is free of cost but
iff submitted manuscript is accepted after double
blind peer reviews, the author has to submit open access
fee $550 to get the manuscript published with the Journal. There is a discount
of USD 50 if an author or co-author is a reviewer for the journal.
Also make sure that the similarity index of submitted manuscript is below
25% as per JATIT policy otherwise the paper will be declared as
plagiarized immediately after establishing that it violates the policy.
Journal requires the author to submit a copyright transfer agreement that
transfers copyright of the article to the Journal name before publication.
These instructions are a guide. Compliance
with below points along with consistency and correct type area margins are the
most important aspects in your manuscript preparation.
The published articles are available under
(CC BY-NC-ND). This license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium after formal permission, provided the original work is properly cited, is
not changed in any way, and is not used for commercial purposes.
Authors are free to submit the publsihed
work in any non commercial respository or database or listing or profile
etc. The work shuld be backlinked or referneced to orginal journal source
accordingly and should not the be used for commercial prupsose.
Manuscript Content Checklist
We expect the following in a Quality Paper to have high chance of acceptance for
publication in the journal.
Paper should be rich in content and data.
Follow a proper well defined research method or approach.
Should effectively introduce the area and sub areas under investigation.
Critique available literature on the topic.
Present a clear research problem derived from literature
Present a valid detailed solution to the identified problem.
Develop / Adopt/ Adapt a clear validation method/criteria.
Follow a proper protocol for validation and should present concrete and
decisive evidence in from of research results. Discusses and evaluates the
results in comparison to literature
Provide clear limitation and assumptions to achieve the solution or results
Provide clear conclusion and deduction based on work carried out and data
Provide clear Future Research Directions
Peer Review Criteria
Kindly visit the journal home page www.jatit.org
to have a good look at what reviewers have in mind when conducting double
blind review.
Allowed Paper Length
Number of pages is never a criteria to judge a paper but the content and its
effective presentation matters. Following is just a guide for presentation of
enough technical content.
Minimum Length
Minimum length to present sufficient technical content is 08 pages or more in
journal format. Under 08 pages in journal format will not qualify for an
external review and shall be rejected in initial editorial screening
Maximum Length
Maxim allowed length is 45 pages in journal format to ensure authors are not
cramped for space when presenting their findings and provide detailed and rich
technical content.
Manuscript Formatting Guidelines
This one basic
requirement must be adhered to:
Type area on a page
is standard Letter( 8.5'' x 11''). All text should be fully justified. Margins
for this type area: top 1.3'', bottom 0.6'; left 1.25, right 1.25. Manuscript
following abstract an keywords should be prepared in two column format with
column width 2.8'' and space between the columns be 0.2''. No text or figures
should fall out of this text page area.
Paper Title: CAPITAL LETTERS. 16 point type (Times Roman)
Author(s): CAPITAL LETTERS, 10 point type (Times Roman)
Capitalize Each Word case, 10 point type (Times Roman)
Head: BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. 10 point type (Times Roman)
Sub Head (if
applicable): Capitalize Each Word case, 10 point (Times Roman)
Leave 2 line spaces
between title and author names/affiliation.
Leave 2 line spaces
between author/affiliation and start of abstract head
Your manuscript
should begin with an Abstract and keywords after the title, authorship claims
and affiliations.
Paper Title, Autor Names/Affiliations, Abstract and Keywords should be in single
column format followed by the rest of the paper in two column format.
4. HEADS / Sub Heads
(10 point bold, upper case, numbered )
1.1. Second Level Subhead
(10 point bold, first letter capital case, numbered)
1.1.1. Third level subhead
(10 point bold, lower case, flush left)
Use all lowercase for section headings.
5. FIGURES (Line Art Drawings) AND
Figures and tables
may appear printed directly in the text and should be black and white or
Figure should appear soon after the citation in the text or if it is too large
at the end of the manuscript or in middle of text in singly column format.
Legends/Captions for figures
Text type should be
9 point Times Roman italic (eg; Figure 1. Caption). A caption should be provided
for each figure. The legend should be typed into the manuscript, directly
beneath the figure.
Legends are to be listed in numerical order, labeled as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.
Titles/Captions for tables
The table caption
should be typed to the width of the table itself and typed above the table. Text
type of table caption should be 9 point Times Roman italic (e.g., Table
1.Caption) on top of the table. Number the titles of the tables consecutively in
the order of their first citation in the text. Be sure that each table caption
is headed as Table 1, Table 2, etc. within each section.
Both figures and tables must be cited in the text.
References text
type should be 10 point (Times Roman) at the end of each paper.
Vancouver style
referencing is accepted: Sample( Author Name (s), Paper Title,
Conference/Journal Title (Vol & Issue number), Date, Page Numbers
Indexed in text and references accordingly as they appear in text. i.e.
[1],[2]). Consistency is maintained throughout the manuscript.
References should
be listed in the order in which they appear in the manuscript text (cited by
Manuscript Guidelines
(Please download and use this as a guide for
manuscript preparation before submission)
Copyright Form
(Please download and fill in the copyright form)