2 Architectural Overview
The project is composed of basically two parts.
a) Linux Kernel
The basic problem is how to modify and reduce the Linux kernel without greatly altering the current architecture of the kernel. We intend to do this by following the principles and facts like the performance of computer hardware, which typically increases monotonically with time. Even if the same could be said of software, the rate at which software performance improves is usually very slow compared to that of hardware. In fact, many might be of the opinion that there is plenty of software whose performance has deteriorated consistently with time. Moreover, it is rather difficult to establish an objective performance metric for software as complex as a Kernel on top of it: a "faster Kernel" is a very subjective, context dependent phrase.
A kernel's architecture has a much greater longevity than that of common hardware. Operating System researchers do not come up with new, much faster algorithms as consistently or frequently as hardware updates happen. Nevertheless, those involved in "producing" Operating systems -- researchers, designers, implementers, and even marketers -- have the arduous task of ensuring that the associated performance curves keep going up. There are not many viable players in the OS market (some might argue, even if rhetorically, that essentially there's only one). Still, it is a very tough market, and OS vendors must "improve" their systems incessantly.
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