Grid Computing Infrastructure Architecture Document


Grid computing appears to be a promising trend for three reasons: (1) its ability to make more cost-effective use of a given amount of computer resources, (2) as a way to solve problems that can't be approached without an enormous amount of computing power, and (3) because it suggests that the resources of many computers can be cooperatively and perhaps synergistically harnessed and managed as a collaboration toward a common objective.

The Grid Enabled Secure Linux Kernel is represented using  standard architectural styles along with UML model at a high level of abstraction that allows us to visualize, understand and reason about the architetecurally significant elements and identify areas of risk that require more detailed elaboration. This document is way of communicating the UML model in context, to present the information in structured fashion and to discuss areas of the model.

The technical architecture is decomposed along the following dimensions.

a)  Architectural constraints: known technical decisions that are independent of the use cases, i.e. choice of a certain implementation technology to facilitate interoperability.

b) System functionality: Represented by use cases

c) Design layers separating four kinds of concerns:

1)  Domain concerns that focus on the key abstractions representing information common to, and agreed upon by, the community.

2)   Service concerns that focus on interfaces and services are developed that will implement key functionality in a live system.

3)  Portal concerns that focus on the discovery, aggregation and presentation of the community information to users as well as security, membership, personalization and ownership of information.

4)   Workflow concerns that focus on the constraints imposed on the architecture by certain Workflow considerations.

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